Terms & Conditions

The website of SAISEICO (hereinafter referred to as “this website”) is managed and operated by SAISEICO Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SAISEICO”) or its commissioned company. Before using this website, we kindly request that you thoroughly read the following terms of use. Once you commence use of this website, it is assumed that you have accepted these terms of use.

Please note, SAISEICO may change these terms of use without prior notice, so please check for the latest content.

Regarding Links:

If you wish to set a link to this website, please contact the webmaster of SAISEICO in advance. At that time, please provide your name, address, telephone number, email address, and the URL of the website from which the link originates. Please note, if the content of the website from which the link originates could potentially harm the corporate image of SAISEICO, or due to the method of linking, we may refuse the link.

If you set this website as a link destination, please clearly state that the link is to the website of SAISEICO, and it is assumed that you agree that the terms of use of this website also apply to the link source.

Furthermore, links to this website are limited to www.saiseico.co.jp.

Regarding Trademarks, Copyrights, and Other Rights:

All trademarks displayed on this website are trademarks used by SAISEICO or the SAISEICO Group, owned or used based on licenses or other legitimate authority. Unauthorized use of these is prohibited. Also, all rights to the content posted on this website belong to SAISEICO or the SAISEICO Group or are used based on a license. Therefore, except for personal and non-profit use, unauthorized reprinting, copying, modification, distribution, and use of the content of this website are prohibited.

Regarding the Handling of Cookies:

What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a mechanism that saves files such as usage history and input content sent and received between the browser and the server when using a web page on your computer. The next time you access the same page, the site operator can change the display for each customer using the information in the cookie. If you allow the sending and receiving of cookies in your browser settings, the website can obtain cookies from the user’s browser. Please note, your browser sends only cookies sent and received by that website’s server to protect your privacy.

About Cookie Settings: You can choose from “Allow all cookies”, “Reject all cookies”, “Notify the user when receiving a cookie” etc. for the settings regarding the sending and receiving of cookies. The setting method differs depending on the browser. Please check the “Help” menu of your browser for how to set cookies. Please note that if you choose to reject all cookies, you may be restricted in using various services on the Internet, such as not being able to receive services that require authentication. Also, our advertisements are posted on various sites on the Internet by third-party distributors including Google and YAHOO!. You can disable the use of cookies by Google by accessing the Google ad opt-out page. (Or, you can disable the use of cookies by third-party distributors by accessing the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.)

What SAISEICO Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SAISEICO”) is doing using cookies: SAISEICO might use cookies for the following purposes.

  • When you log in to the authentication service, refer to the saved customer registration information to provide services customised for each customer.

  • Based on the content that customers are interested in and the usage situation on the SAISEICO site, display the most appropriate advertisements on other company sites.

  • To survey the number of users and traffic on the SAISEICO site.

  • To improve SAISEICO services.

  • To maintain security, prompt customers to re-enter (re-authenticate) passwords after a certain period of time has passed from use. Please note that SAISEICO may save and refer to SAISEICO cookies via other company sites based on the commission to distribute SAISEICO advertisements to other company sites.

Regarding the Handling of IDs, etc.:

For the ID, email address, password, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “ID, etc.”) that you registered on this website and that SAISEICO has obtained, SAISEICO will manage them strictly. However, SAISEICO assumes no responsibility for unauthorized use (use of other people’s information, so-called “impersonation”, etc.) that occurred due to problems other than SAISEICO’s data management. Please be careful about managing IDs, etc. Also, when using this website, if fraudulent acts, false information input, etc. are confirmed, SAISEICO may stop using the ID, etc. Please note in advance.


All product and service prices, specifications, and release dates, etc. are subject to change without notice. Also, we may change the content or URL of this website, or suspend or stop operating this website without notice.

SAISEICO assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by accessing or using this website, or any damage caused by changes to the content or URL of this website and suspension or cessation of operation of this website.

Even if SAISEICO is linked to this website from external sources, SAISEICO does not guarantee the content of third-party websites that are not under the control of SAISEICO, and assumes no responsibility for any damage caused by use. Such sites may obtain your information on their own, regardless of good or bad intentions, so please be careful about handling information.

SAISEICO assumes no responsibility for any accidents or failures on software or hardware that occurred during use.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

The interpretation and application of this website and these terms of use shall be governed by the laws of Japan. Also, unless otherwise stipulated, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of first instance for all disputes related to this website.

The information on this site is mainly provided for those living in Japan. If you are accessing from outside Japan, please check the product information in that country and use it.